


We employ a diverse work force across our variousfunctional departments including R&D, Sales, Administration, Logistics and Customer Support. Our workforce is aligned to our intense focus on delivering the right technology solutions to meet ourcustomer’s needs. Our systems are being used in several organizations which include Hotels, Banks, Security Organizations, Govts., Immigration & Border Control, Money Exchanges, Pubs, Clubs and HR Organizations.


Samsotech offers passport scanners, passport readers & software solutions for various types of business organisations with easy integration with their software applications. We also take care of customized product development and applications that will enable the departments to enhance their security, enable compliance and promote better interactions with various economic and industrial organisations within the respective country.

card imageHOTELS & RESORTS

A range of innovative guest facing technology solutions that will impress your guests and help you to save costs & generate more revenue.

card imageAIRLINES

Easy to use solutions complimented with Passport/ID scanning, reading and archival that will help airline staff to automate the data entry of passenger details in their computer systems

card imageImmigration & Border Control

A range of customized software solutions that include Passport/ID Reading solutions, Passport/ID Authentication, Traveller watch-list management and information archival for future use

card imageGovernment Organisations

Customized software solutions to enhance Tourism & business intelligence, Information productivity, reporting and enhancing security

card imageSecurity Organizations

Enhance your customer's security using Samsotech ID Scanning Solutions interfaced with all leading Access control & Visitor Management Systems

card imageClubs, Pubs & Casinos

Suite of applications that includes Passport/ID reading, ID Authentication, Watchlist & Membership management, Legal compliance and many more


Samsotech offers passport scanners, passport readers & software solutions for various types of business organisations with easy integration with their software applications. We also take care of customized product development and applications that will enable the departments to enhance their security, enable compliance and promote better interactions with various economic and industrial organisations within the respective country.


Passports, ID Cards & DriveLicense Reading Systems

card imageVICAS

Send information to Local Authority Systems automatically

card imageKIOSK CHECK-IN

Self Check-in and Check-outs using easyKIOSK


Paperless RegCards and Folios using Samsotech eREG


iPad based Mobile Check-in and Check-outs using Samsotech Mirror

card imageANPR CONNECT

Automated Vehicle Number Plate Reading System

card imageeVERIFY

Passport/ID Card scanning, reading and authentication system for Casinos